BackBattle Royal Bets

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Battle Royal Bets

Battle Royale is a card game similar to the children's card game of War. It is played between player and dealer using a regular deck of 52 cards.

One card is dealt face up to the player, and one card dealt face up to the dealer, whoever has the higher card wins. It's as simple as that.

If a tie happens, the player must decide if he wants to battle or surrender. If the player surrenders, he loses half of his bet. If the he battles, he must double his bet before both he and the dealer receive a new card. If the dealer wins, the doubled bet is lost, but if the player wins, he receives both bets back plus an amount equal to his original bet. If a second tie occurs during the battle, the player is paid out at a rate of 3:1.

When it comes to rank, aces are the highest card.

A winning hand pays out according to the following odds:

First RoundResult
Dealer has high cardDealer wins
Player has high cardPlayer wins
Tie See Battle Round

Battle RoundResult
Player surrendersPlayer loses half of initial wager
Player has high cardPlayer wins at 1:1 odds
TiePlayer wins at 3:1 odds on Battle Bet
Dealer has high cardPlayer loses initial wager plus Battle Bet

They payout odds may vary from casino to casino, so be sure to check the payout odds before playing.

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